Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not all who wander are lost.

Dear Bloggy,
You have not been forgotten. Once I get through
Homework due tomorrow, 2nd Exam on Tuesday
Homework 9 due tonight, homework 10 due tuesday, 4th Exam Wednesday
homework 15 due Tuesday, quest review 2 due monday, 3rd Exam Tuesday,
final project presentation on Tuesday

Once these are over it'll be back to me and you. If I'm still alive.
<3 Kelly
PS sorry that all I wrote was basically a planner, but it's all I'm thinking about right now!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

boldness be my friend!

Guess what bloggy, you have readers!! They are mostly family but those are the best kinds of readers there are! And for some more good news: I made it on the bus and I was so brave! It was really scary and I will tell you all about it. So I walked to Dean Keeton and University which was where the bus that I was supposed to get on South-bound. So I waited for the bus for like 10 minutes and when I see it coming down the street, I all of a sudden see the same bus stop number on the OTHER side of the street. So I quickly ask the guy next to me (guys know directions right?) Is this southbound? And he points at the sign and sort of grunts: it says south. So I panicked and got on the bus. Turns out the bus route just had the word south in it and I was most definitely northbound. I went from Dean Keeton to 45th and then decided to get off the bus just in case it never stopped going north and I ended up in some remote location. So I cross the street and waited at THAT bus stop for at least 15 minutes, and got on that bus. When the street numbers started going down instead of up (I was trying to get to 12th st) I knew I was going in the right direction. Oh and I even sort of like to swipe my card! Also on the bus I sat by Austin kids, businessmen, a blind person, and some foreign guy who smiled at me the whole way. It was definitely a trip. Anyway after that I walked to Austin Community College and they were really nice to me and I get to register in the first of may. I really like to go to that part of austin because there is barely anyone on the streets and everyone is dressed up in business clothes. You would never think that it was just up the road from UT with college bums in their shorts and t-shirts! After that I went back to UT and tried to get my homework done, then I went to chem and calculus and tried to take a nap before my mom got here. Tried and failed unfortunately, I really wish I could nap! Once she got here we went shopping and I got a swimsuit a dress and some sandals. Disclaimer: I do not look like her in the swimsuit but the fact that she looks so good in it probably made me want to buy it: way to go victoria's secret advertisers, way to go. (also it is a different color)
Shoes also different color but same shape!

The sandals smell like leather and so I've been putting my nose to my shoes ever since I got them. I wonder if that is like an innate thing that humans like the smell of leather, or if it is just associated with class and money so that is why people like it. or MAYBE people love the smell already so other people decided to put a price on it. Everyone loves the smell of a new leather purse or new leather seats in a car! When I am rich I will own this Jimmy Choo leather purse...and smell it always

I need something to care for and nurture lol. Every time I get even the teensiest break in my homework or tests I really want something that I can take care of. Ohhh like a kittteennn. That kitten would really need me to love it and feed it and scratch it under its teensy chin. Everytime I wash my hair lately I've been parting it a little bit further to the right just to see how far it can get before it gets ridiculous. Tonight Anna saw it and says "that looks ridiculous" lol but we'll see in the morning when it's dry (: Anyway I will now post pictures and go to sleep!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

we are time's subjects, and time bids be gone.

Hello Bloggy again, It is Tuesday. On Sunday I went to church, ate a Don Juan (a very large breakfast taco served at juan in a million and featured on man vs. food) and then went to the austin zoo. It's more of a refuge than a zoo really so it wasn't very big or nice but the animals were still really cute and I got some great peacock pictures. On Monday I spent the day writing my essay for rhetoric and today I finished it up and did 5 units on my defensive driving course, which by the way is totally torture. It's like sooo much information and those five units took me hours to do. Also there was this segment on drunk driving with a bunch of videos and I totally almost cried in the library because it was so sad. But other than those videos it is just hours and hours of information about how to drive defensively. It definitely makes me not want to get a ticket again so I guess it's doing it's job. Surprise surprise my calculus teacher wasn't there today, if I fail that class I am going to be pretty upset! I had a pretty good day today though despite those things and I got the best shower in the bathroom. It is on the back left and it has perfect water pressure and the towel hooks aren't broken. Tomorrow morning I will wake up early and ride the scary capital metro bus to go to ACC to see if I can get advised so I can register for summer classes. Seeing as how I rode the UT shuttle bus for the first time ever last week, the capital metro is going to be quite a feat for me. Don't worry bloggy, I will tell you all about it! For all of the bad things that I write about I try to write about the same amount of good things. I got a lot of work done today and I always got spots with plugs in the PCL! Anyway that is all for today, my mommy is coming tomorrow and it is also kelly's birthday. Too bad she lives in San Antonio :( but oh well HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY. I will post some zoo pictures SOOC because I'm lazy and then go to sleep. (For all of you non-photogaphers out there SOOC means straight out of the camera, no editing)

Click any to view large!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats

Hello Bloggy, it is saturday! Last night I went bowling at the union and it was really fun again, I got within TWO PINS of breaking 100, which is exceptionally good for me (:

^^Troy Bowling^^

This morning I woke up and had breakfast with my lovely sister, we went to ihop and it was really nice! We talked about my crazy school schedule and how she is finishing her book and starting to make jewelry by hand. After that me and Troy went to find the Torti's and we watched a wakeboard tournament. Then we went to Old Settlers Park to find Mario and the high schools ultimate team owning everybody else. I took a LOT of pictures, like so many it might have been creepy lol. Then me and Troy came back to Austin and I did homework for most of the rest of the night. At 11:30 I FINALLY realized that I couldn't find my wallet. I panicked because the last place I remembered having it was the Taco Bell in Round Rock. So I called them all nervous and worried, thinking about how I was going to cancel my cards and they said "oh yeah we have that, we were waiting for you to call." This proves beyond a doubt that God is faithful and that people are good! And then I got a really awesome parking spot when I got back to SRD. It was a pretty good day after all (: Tomorrow is Sunday and I will wake up before church and drive to get my silly wallet! I'll post some pictures, watch bones and then go to sleep.

Took These Today!

^Troy squinting from the sun (click to view large!)^^

^Ultimate Frisbee!! (click to view large!)^^

^Mario with his puppy (click to view large!)^

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sorry Bloggy, It's Friday already and I had a REALLY busy week. Basically Mon-Wed I studied like, all day. I also got advised for fall semester. It's looking like I will take Introduction to Chemical Practice, Chemistry 302, Physiology, Intro to Nutrition and a Nutrition lab. It will probably be tough but you never know! I got an A on my chemistry test so that's really exciting and now it is friday and I threw the frisbee with troy in the park and then we went to the Wendys in Jester because that is the very best one. Anyway sorry that I haven't updated and that this post is a little bit boring, soon I will have more time to write I think. I only have three real weeks of school left before dead week! I just have to push through and do really well. I will post some pictures now.
<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Me and my roommate at casino night!

cute ducky getting bigger!

I did this one!!

Didn't do the rest:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

And a Grey Dawn Breaking

Bloggy, it's Saturday! Since Wednesday things have been looking up. My mommy told me that one really horrible test is not an indicator of my performance. And then she said "You just have to get through this and you will never have to take calculus again" and I was like..yeah unless I fail, and then I will have to take it again lol. Oh well though I'm not going to dwell too much on it. On Thursday I got to see baby ducks! Katie, Troy's cousin, got them for easter and they were soooo cute. We played with them and caught them worms and they fell asleep and quacked at us. Then on Friday was the SRD semi-formal! It was casino night and we also had masks. I'm really upset that I lost my battery charger for my little I don't really have any pictures but it was really fun. Me Troy and Anna played blackjack and roulette which were both really fun. I was winning really big for a while at roulette but then of course I kept playing and lost most of it. At the end I won an SRD t-shirt though! Anna did really well and she won a Tylers gift card. It was really fun to gamble with fake money. It would not have been so fun with real money we decided. Troy actually bet the bigger chips, and he ended up doing pretty good too. Anyway this morning so far I haven't really done much but I'm about to go get my schoolwork done so I can do something fun tonight. So I just thought I'd give you a little update (even if it's a little boring)!
<3 Kelly

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.

Didn't do any of these:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.

Hello bloggy, It is Wednesday night. On Monday I studied all day and on Tuesday I parked it in the library and studied until 7, when I had my calculus test. It was most definitely the worst test of my college career, and could have been the worst ever. Firstly I had to sit in the very front row in a smallish room, and literally my knees were 8 inches away from both the TA and the professor, looking at my test. The desks were literally 1/4th the size of regular desks and I had a panic attack in the middle of it. Yeah and I failed bad. So bad that I'm gonna have to work really hard just to pass calculus at all.
The class average was really bad too but they won't curve it unless "all the classes" need it. So that was pretty bad. This morning I went to class and then (finally) took care of my ticket. Turns out you need things to be notarized and a cashiers check etc. etc. As if the money isn't bad enough you have to take out a bunch of time to take care of it as well. It was also very cloudy all day which was just the icing on the cake. By the end of the day however I was starting to feel much better. I finished all my chem homework with kate, who just laughs about practically everything so you can't help but be in a good mood around her. Then I ate dinner with Anna and made my mask for this friday. This friday we're having like a casino night/masquerade/dance..and I'm a little bit confused about what exactly it is lol. Then me and anna walked to bible study and that put me in an even better mood. We talked about easter (a little late) and how Jesus freely gave up his life because of his great love for us. Then me and Anna went to CVS to get envelopes and walked home, carefully avoiding eye-contact with the drag-rats. Drag rats are like homeless people only much younger and they always have a dog with them and a whole lot of hair, and their clothes are always torn but almost artfully so. Then I did homework and now here I am! Today wasn't so good to begin with but I know tomorrow will be much better. It has come to my attention that I have a problem with discretion and this becomes worse as you spend more time with me. Literally nothing is off limits to talk about and anna or troy are usually the ones suffering from it lol. I'm also shamelessly nosy and this problem paired with the fact that I have a problem with discretion is problematic as I will tell the person exactly how nosy I'm being in their things. It's a viscous cycle lol and I was wondering where it came from and today I realized I know EXACTLY where it came from. My bestfriendship with Kelly N. Kelly has the least amount of discretion in a person that I know of, and the more you spend time with her the more she will tell you! So she rubbed off on me and apparently it stuck. Anyway that is enough talking for me because I have an 8:00 tomorrow and I should probably be awake for it.

We bow our hearts
We bend our knees
Oh spirit come make us humble

I didn't do any of these!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing.

Hello Bloggy, it is sunday night, the day of Easter! (technically it's 12 am on monday but we'll pretend it's still easter). Today Jesus rose from the dead! The great love that He has for me is always surprising and enchanting, which sounds a little cliche especially on easter but what are you going to do?

On Friday I went to Belton with Troy. It was crazy traffic but we still made good time. I stopped by the Z's to see Sallie. She's learned to play dead and she is so pathetically cute when she flops over just to get a cheerio. After that I went to my dads house. While there I studied and did homework. I was a teensy bit upset that nobody assigns homework over spring break but not only did we not get good friday off, I had homework or a test or both in every one of my classes due monday or tuesday after easter. I tried not to be whiny about it but it is a teensy bit ridiculous.

I also took some photos around my dads house, I guess the theme was "birds" lol.

And I washed 6 loads of laundry, no april fools. This morning I woke up really early for a weekend and we had Easter breakfast. The little kids hunted easter eggs and watched charlottes web which was still cute even now. I took some pictures there too, even though it was a little muggy and rainy.

Click me to view large!!

Click me to view large!!

Then I drove back to austin and tried to get some more of my homework done. Me and Anna went to this terrible restaurant that was VERY authentic asian food. We are not very adventurous in our taste buds so it was quite appalling. I decided that my sister christina would probably like it. I keep getting pains in my heart so I think it is giving me heartburn even now lol.
During the day I think of all the things I can tell you bloggy, but by the time I get here I'm sleepy and I forget them all! Oh well you probably don't mind anyway. I think I will go to sleep now!
<3 Kelly

I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms
And in the arms of my dear savior
Oh there are, 10,000 charms

I did this one!