Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Time for a Witty Shakespeare Quote!

Hello Bloggy, it is the end of Tuesday (of the next week!) and I will have to be short again. The rest of last week just flew by I guess. On Wednesday I went to bible study and we watched a movie about the prodigal son.
We mostly talked about how Jesus chases after us to come bring us back to him. I like to think that that is true. When we were about to go back from link it started raining REALLY REALLY crazily hard. It stopped in like 15 minutes though lol. I can't really remember Thursday except that me and Troy ran errands around Austin. On Friday I went with Troy to his grandparents in pflugerville. We ate dinner and just looked at old pictures and watched some basketball, it was fun. Then on saturday I went to belton to have easter and celebrate my dads birthday. We hid candy and I took a few pictures until I had to leave and come back to Austin. On my way back I got stopped by a state trooper who gave me a totally unrealistic ticket. Okay here's the story: so I was driving 75 on a 70 knowing that all the cops were out at the end of the month harvesting souls. I only let myself go 5 over because I figured I would'nt get stopped. Conveniently enough I passed by a state trooper when no one was around me and he decided to pull me over. He asked me if I had a reason for speeding and I thought he meant going 5 over so I said no, then he told me I was going 83 and issued me a ticket. What I should have said was, excuse me, I have never gone over 80 in my life much less right now when all of you cops are out stealing peoples souls. But what came out was a meek: okay. So anyway I could contest it but I was going 5 over which is still speeding and Its the same amount of money plus defensive driving. So boo. But I mean, it was kind of unethical that he would radar someone else and pull me over for it. Haha, I just reread that part and I totally sound guilty, but i KNOW how fast I was going because I was watching for it lol. So after that I got back to austin and me and troy drove to brenham for abel and sarahs wedding shower. It was too cute and the dinner was good as well. Then on Sunday I went to church and we also went to the salt lick, which serves very delicious BBQ. I had ribs! Then me and Anna and Troy went to the PCL to study study study. I like to study with people even if we aren't studying the same things because I can look up and see a familiar face! Yesterday was pretty uneventful and today the high point was finding my phone when I had lost it in a lecture hall and taking pictures of the UT tower lit up with the number one.
SO...now you are up to date! I will really try and post some pictures later but its creeping up to 130 and i better get to sleep!
<3 Kelly

I actually did this one!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brevity is the Soul of Wit

Dear Bloggy,
This post will be short! Yesterday was rather uneventful and I spent a lot of the time doing calculus with troy. Today I went to class (it was really hard with my foot because my classes were alllll the way across campus) and then I went to run errands with Anna, we ended up getting easter candy lol, we're probably a bad influence on each other. But I got a HUGE pack of paper and I almost bought a cookbook. Also today I found out that my season of Bones was double sided and it caused me great joy. I thought I had watched it all but apparently I had only watched half of it! The middle of my day was rough because I just hurt everywhere but I'm feeling pretty okay right now as long as I don't move too much lol. I am going to watch Bones now and begin my spring cleaning! Which I am uncharacteristically excited about. I will try and pay more attention to you later bloggy but right now I am too busy!
<3 Kelly

"Child of weakness watch and pray, find in me, thine all in all."

First one is mine! Second is not.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

If music be the food of love, play on

Dear Bloggy,
It is Sunday and today I am hobbling better than ever! Today we took all of my apartment things to storage and loaded it up. And when I say we I mean Troy because my mom is little and can't pick up things, her husband rick was really sick and I'm gimpy. So Troy moved everything into our storage space lol. I limped things over to him sometimes! But mostly I helped by just riding on the dolly. Then we packed up and headed back to austin, stopping in georgetown to eat at souper salad. It was surprisingly very delicious! They have all the salad fixings you can imagine and soups and baked potatos and pasta and pizza and bread things, haha I sound a little crazy but I was just pretty surprised that they had all of those things and I would recommend it. Then we drove back to my apartment and Troy helped me put my things in a cart to wheel up to my room. I unpacked my things and me and anna talked about our very eventful spring breaks and now here I am. It's a little bit hard walking around here because the girls all look at me when I limp, and I either have to limp or walk reaaaallly realllly slowly so it draws attention either way. maybe I will just use my crutches if I can't walk by tomorrow (I fully expect to lol). I decided today on the drive to austin that I want to be one of those adults that when people think of me they think of how committed I am to Jesus. I did kind of bad over spring break about reading my bible and listening to the little whispers of Jesus and it made me feel sad and lonely. He's the only one that can fill what's empty inside me and I want to show that to other people I'm just having trouble figuring out how. I feel like every love story, every hero story that truly strikes us in our hearts has its roots in the cross and the love of Jesus for us. How many stories are there out there about someone loving someone else who is in some way unworthy, or about someone saving someone else and offering their life in return. Every story that we truly love reflects Jesus. And the worst part about it is that it sounds so cliche, and you can listen to people talk about Jesus all day but if you don't see him then it means nothing to you. I wish that somehow I could cross that barrier and show people the true Jesus that I know, a fierce, loving, protective God who never abandons and always is. I am feeling more and more like SRD is my home, and I'm sure that when I FINALLY consider it my home it will be time to move. I'm staying here over the summer too to take classes. Oh! At 11:11 me and Anna made wishes that we did not have swollen ankles or pink eye! Poor Anna's eye is sooo red :( Also she wrapped my ankle very profesh because she is good at wrapping ankles! I sort of like blogging on days when nothing really happened because then I get to talk about what I think. Believe me bloggy, if it weren't for you everyone around me would be a little bit annoyed at having to listen to all of my thoughts! I think I will head off to bed now, so until next time (:

Go to you bosom: Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know. -Shakespeare

I did none of these this time!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

but men are men, the best sometimes forget.

Dear Bloggy,
It is Saturday. This morning I woke up at the Z's house and watched Tarzan with Troy. I really love that movie especially the music in it and I'm not afraid to admit it. Plus there are snuggly gorillas throughout, and although I think real life gorillas are scary, these seem to be cuddly. Then I ate lunch and me an troy went to run errands. I rented a storage space at big red storage, we stopped by sonic for happy hour, and then we went to Al's formalwear to get Troy's tux fitted. Then we went to look for a movie to rent, and I saw that New Moon had come out so we stopped by walmart so I could crutch in there and buy it! I don't normally buy dvd's but New Moon was really good lol. And I definitely love dakota fanning, because she is really great in everything I've seen of her!
Then we went back to Troys house and ate dinner with his family, they are so nice for feeding me all the time and it's good food too.
I definitely need to learn how to cook something other than noodles I decided. Then we watched New Moon which his mom was excited about (at least a break from basketball!) and I went home because my mommy was coming back into town. I only saw her for a few minutes though because she was tired, so I guess I will see her tomorrow. Then Troy stayed with me for 30 minutes and we played the "try and hit the ping pong on an obscure doorframe in a roundabout way" game.
Then he left and now I'm sitting on my bed in my very empty and clean room (we are almost moved out) while tiny pricks of pain shoot through my foot every now and then lol. It is very quiet except for that wind blustering around out there! Tomorrow is the last day of spring break and maybe I am ready to get back (except for all the walking and stairs that await me) I sort of like to keep busy and have a routine, even if it means working harder than normal. I will go to sleep soon because it's late, maybe i will post some pictures tomorrow.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Dear Bloggy
It is Friday and I haven't been able to update until now. I have no idea what happened on Monday, I just can't remember lol I'm sure it had something to do with getting the house ready to sell. But on Tuesday I went with Troy to Lake Buchanan to spend the night with his family. We watched couples retreat and 2012, neither of which were very good (for different reasons).
Then we woke up early the next morning to go to enchanted rock which was really fun. We climbed up the front and then went through a long black cave where we had to crawl through tight spaces and shimmey between rocks. It was very adventuresome and also really fun. When we got out of the cave we were at the bottom of enchanted rock on the other side, so we had to climb back up the mountain from that side which was a little bit more steep (or a lot more steep) me and troys sisters and mom took like forever to climb that part. Then we climbed back down the other side again, and went down a slippery granite river (which I almost fell in but troy grabbed my pants so I didn't) and we climbed up some big rocks to take pictures and went back down the mountain towards the car. It was only then, on the flat footpath did I slip on a piece of gravel and roll my ankle out. I heard a pop but I tried to keep walking. Then the pain hit me and I almost died lol. I just sat on the ground until my desire to throw up had passed and then Troy carried me on his back up a rather lengthy flight of stairs and back to the car. His family let me put my ankle in their cooler and we drove to a barbeque place, which was, despite my pain and embarrassment at having to hop to the bathroom, very delicious. My ankle swelled up pretty big and I couldn't put any weight on it so I just hopped around the rest of the day. We came back home and since my mom had left, the Z's were nice enough to take care of me (just like they always do) Two weekends ago when I had strep they took care of me too. I swear I usually don't get sick or hurt, but the past 3 months I've just had the worst end of it. I hear bad things come in threes though so I should be done! Anyways so Troy fixed me up some crutches and took me to walmart to get coloring books and on Thursday we crutched to the doctors so they could xray it (just a precaution I was almost positive it wasn't broken) and then I just relaxed in their living room while we watched the basketball games (my bracket is already way wrong). So today I hobble! I still use the crutches to take weight off my ankle so it doesn't hurt but I am definitely hobble material. I'm hoping to get all the way better by Sunday so I can walk to my classes. I feel kind of bad that I always look at people who have crutches but no cast and think that they're fakers, now that I am one of them I will think a lot nicer towards them, as I realize how much pain and inconvenience it can cause! Troy has been being so nice to take care of me and pick up my things and get me water and such, I am glad he is my Troy. So today I did a little homework and a lot of relaxing and I'm sure tomorrow will be the same. I will be sad to go back to school. I will post enchanted rock pictures (pre-sprain) when I can get the pictures on here!
Until Later
<3 Kelly

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Life is A Series of Patterns

Dear Bloggy,
It is Sunday night. Today I woke up late again (it was daylight savings time though so I deserve a teensy break) and mostly spent the day cleaning things to get the house ready to sell. Then me and my mom went to go see the Z's, and take them out to dinner for keeping our dog, for like ever. So we ate at Luigi's and then me and my mom went to see Alice in Wonderland. It was better than I thought it was going to be, I really loved all the characters and I wish I had subtitles because they sort of mumbled some lines that I'm pretty sure were clever. I feel like 3D movies are a little bit of a hoax though. Like, I saw Avatar (really good movie btw, and down with all the haters) and I took my glasses on and off and there was VERY little difference. It's just an excuse to make us pay an extra two dollars to see a movie that would be just as good without it. Probably all the movies will turn 3D and I'll be one of those ladies still watching the "classics" when I'm 50. Anyway, me and my mom smuggled in reeses and jr mints, and it was fun. Today I also took some pictures with my camera, which I really should do more of because I love it. I hate to be one of those cliche camera kids but I guess I am so I guess I should own it. I love to take photos, the thick sound of the shutter that lets you know that you got the perfect shot with just the right amount of light is really relaxing and exciting for me at the same time. I need more living subjects lol. I have come to terms with the fact that I will get a responsible job and not become a professional photographer but I want to take photos for the rest of my life still, maybe as a side job or just for friends or family. There is something so perfect about capturing life. So now I'm back here, it's late, and Troy is about to come see me (: I will just post pictures and stuff now, and yep you guessed it, the first one is mine, the rest are not. enjoy!


Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but he is strong.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ah, to Sleep Perchance to Dream

Dear Bloggy
So it's the first official day of spring break today and I slept (hard) until 12:00. I kid you not. There was no sun blaring in my window, or girls screaming in the hall, or people vacuuming outside my room. There were no buses roaring outside my window or frat houses partying next door, or tires screeching to a halt to avoid a wreck. There was just quiet. And dark. And I heard a train horn at like 2:00 am. It was exceptionally wonderful.

So yesterday me and Anna woke up a little bit early to go see remember me before we went home. It was okay, the story line was bleh but the characters were pretty good. I probably wouldn't see it again.

Then me and Anna parted ways *sniff* and I went back to SRD to pack. We decided we're going to be really really good friends once we get an apartment together. Right now we're living in one room and we spend most of our time on our beds, which are six inches away from each other, and we barely have any tiffs, so give us more room and we're going to be practically fun!

I've decided that I do not want to live in a city as I grow older. And I feel like I can say that because I've seen the best of both worlds. I feel like life is slower when you take your way out of the city, and life should probably be slow.

Anyways after the movie I packed and left SRD to travel (two hours when it should have taken one) home. I got here and sat down and watched TV until my mom and rick got here and then I started packing up my room. I've got everything except my closet in either a box or a bag! Which I consider and accomplishment! I can't wait to see Troy today because he's been helping out at his grandpas farm. That boy can push my buttons but when it comes right down to it, he is everything good about men, all wrapped up in my best friend (: I know that sounds cheesy, but hey it's true. So I better get going today, I've got to finish my room so that they can repaint it. I hope that your night was as good as mine and that your day is as good as mine is about to be!

(first one is mine, the rest are not)

When He looked at me and said
I kind of view you as a son
And for a second our eyes met
And I met that with a question
Do You, know what You, are getting yourself into:

I'm getting into you
Because you got to me, in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into you
Because I've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm going to love you with My life

I've been a liar and I'll never amount to
The kind of person You deserve to worship You
You say You will not dwell on what I did but rather what I do
you say
I love you and that's what you are getting yourself into

I lovelovelove this song because it reminds me that God considers me a part of his existence that can't be replaced, like the gravity of that is crazy! And to prove it, he loved me with his life. I've noticed that a good portion of songs you can sing to God, he can sing right back to you, because he cares for you. And that will just put a smile on my face any day.

<3 Kelly

Thursday, March 11, 2010

free free free!

Dear Bloggy
Today I woke up at 7 and went to class, then I went with Troy and Tara to goodwill to find treasures lol, then me and kelly ate dinner at kirbey lane,they had very good sweet potato fries! After that we went to Becca's and watched Worlds Dumbest Brawls, and it was pretty hilarious, and just nice not to be working or anything. After that everyone went bowling in the bottom of the union and I did pretty good! Anyways it was a good day (:
<3 Kelly
Once again, only the first is mine, the rest i found.