Thursday, June 10, 2010

Clearly the blue river chimes in its flowing

I'm sorry for neglecting you bloggy but I have been so busy! It's thursday morning right now! On Saturday I went to Katies graduation party to be "official picture taker." It was fun though, I love graduations because everyone sort of dresses up and celebrates and such. Then I actually went to the pflugerville graduation which was a lot shorter than mine was. Whatever they did should be taught and learned by Belton. Then on Sunday I went to church and there were only like 11 people there instead of 40 or 50 because it's summer now. Then I went back and did some homework until we went to Justins graduation party at like 4. That one was fun too and I didn't take pictures so I just sat around blowing bubbles and playing games. On Monday Anna came to eat lunch with me because she had to pick up her transcript from UT. It was good and we had spaghetti which is double good. Then she dropped me off at ACC so I didn't have to ride the city bus (triple good) and I went to Bio. I'm starting to really like biology because our classes and labs are always shorter than they're supposed to be and the material is sort of simple and interesting. We're going over some chemistry basics that I definitely missed last semester in chemistry so it's sort of good. Then I came back and studied most of the day and then I worked out! I'm not really a work out kind of girl but the gym is soooo nice and I'm usually the only girl down there so I just use like every piece of equipment and do ten of them. On a side note, every time I spell equipment I spell it equiptment. I think there should be a T in there most definitely. On Tuesday I studied all day too and worked out again. My mom came and ate lunch with me! It was fun and I got to show her my new room and she told me about her plans for Europe this week. Thennn I studied. You may ask, Kelly, why are you studying all the time, it's summer! Well I will tell you: ACC history. It's basically gonna kill me. It takes like 2 and a half to 3 hours to finish each chapter, there are four chapters, and the tests are every 6 days. On wednesday I went to ACC early and took the test, I got an 80 which is two away from failing and I studied my butt off all week. Like hello, this is a community college, lighten up! Oh well though two tests down, three to go. Also on wednesday I lost my waterbottle :( I'm going to buy a new one though because I definitely can't live without my water bottle. But it made a weird sucky noise every time I drank out of it because of all the use it was getting so maybe it was time for a new one anyway. I went to the ACC store to get me some lab goggles and they look sooo good on me haha. Then I went to Bio and the bio lab. I sort of like the labs even. They're tedious and complicated but the time passes quickly because at least we're doing something. Plus I like my lab partners. After that me and Troy went to the Giddings state baseball game which was in the UT baseball stadium. I did a crazy kitty dance in the car on the way over there and cried because I was laughing so hard. Also I was driving so maybe it wasn't the best idea. The baseball game was fun and Anna told me all about everyone because she's from giddings and everyone knows everyone and their business. Throughout this whole week God has been so faithful to me. I believe that he is love and he is joy and he is laughter. Also I think he gets a kick out of us and sometimes he's up there and he has to tell stories about us like, "hey [insert angel here] you will not believe what kelly just did, this is gonna eat your lunch" haha (: Anyways that is all I've been thinking about lately!
<3 Kelly
These aren't really icons, but it was graduation weekend so I made some graduate pictures.

These are not mine

1 comment:

Rene Dante said...

Ha ha! This post is great. I loved the guy working out because it made me think of you and then him and there was kind of a disconnect and it was funny. I've also recently fallen in love with that silly "wish right now" song so it's kind of stuck in my head. Funny you posted that pic. Hope you guys had fun at the lake! Ttyl!