Friday, March 19, 2010


Dear Bloggy
It is Friday and I haven't been able to update until now. I have no idea what happened on Monday, I just can't remember lol I'm sure it had something to do with getting the house ready to sell. But on Tuesday I went with Troy to Lake Buchanan to spend the night with his family. We watched couples retreat and 2012, neither of which were very good (for different reasons).
Then we woke up early the next morning to go to enchanted rock which was really fun. We climbed up the front and then went through a long black cave where we had to crawl through tight spaces and shimmey between rocks. It was very adventuresome and also really fun. When we got out of the cave we were at the bottom of enchanted rock on the other side, so we had to climb back up the mountain from that side which was a little bit more steep (or a lot more steep) me and troys sisters and mom took like forever to climb that part. Then we climbed back down the other side again, and went down a slippery granite river (which I almost fell in but troy grabbed my pants so I didn't) and we climbed up some big rocks to take pictures and went back down the mountain towards the car. It was only then, on the flat footpath did I slip on a piece of gravel and roll my ankle out. I heard a pop but I tried to keep walking. Then the pain hit me and I almost died lol. I just sat on the ground until my desire to throw up had passed and then Troy carried me on his back up a rather lengthy flight of stairs and back to the car. His family let me put my ankle in their cooler and we drove to a barbeque place, which was, despite my pain and embarrassment at having to hop to the bathroom, very delicious. My ankle swelled up pretty big and I couldn't put any weight on it so I just hopped around the rest of the day. We came back home and since my mom had left, the Z's were nice enough to take care of me (just like they always do) Two weekends ago when I had strep they took care of me too. I swear I usually don't get sick or hurt, but the past 3 months I've just had the worst end of it. I hear bad things come in threes though so I should be done! Anyways so Troy fixed me up some crutches and took me to walmart to get coloring books and on Thursday we crutched to the doctors so they could xray it (just a precaution I was almost positive it wasn't broken) and then I just relaxed in their living room while we watched the basketball games (my bracket is already way wrong). So today I hobble! I still use the crutches to take weight off my ankle so it doesn't hurt but I am definitely hobble material. I'm hoping to get all the way better by Sunday so I can walk to my classes. I feel kind of bad that I always look at people who have crutches but no cast and think that they're fakers, now that I am one of them I will think a lot nicer towards them, as I realize how much pain and inconvenience it can cause! Troy has been being so nice to take care of me and pick up my things and get me water and such, I am glad he is my Troy. So today I did a little homework and a lot of relaxing and I'm sure tomorrow will be the same. I will be sad to go back to school. I will post enchanted rock pictures (pre-sprain) when I can get the pictures on here!
Until Later
<3 Kelly

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