Monday, March 8, 2010

And the Oscar Nomination Goes to...

Dear Bloggy,
Good morning! It is a good morning because I slept in. Yesterday I went to church (taught by the talented Matt Blackwell) and it was really good. I enjoy EV Free a lot more than I have enjoyed probably any other church back at home. We sang and Matt preached about the love of God overflowing in us so that when we bump into others his love spills onto them. Then Troy dropped me and Anna off at SRD (he's actually pretty awesome to drive us to church every Sunday) and we ate lunch at the dorm. Then I headed straight up to the study room to start working, 20 chemistry problems and 20 calculus problems (and a lot of frustration) later I was back in the study room starting to study for chemistry. I like the study room at SRD. It's quiet but not too quiet. I've been in portions of the campus library where it's like, so quiet you can hear your stomach making noises at you. Anyways I missed the Oscars (I plan to watch them online later) but I did look at the dresses and my favorite would have to be Demi Moores. I sort of enjoyed the whole beigy, vintagy motif that everyone was wearing, and I did like Miley's dress as well. Anyways it's almost eleven and I meant to study this morning, but I guess I will just go to class. Maybe I will update this a little more later but we'll see!

"Thy strength indeed is small, child of weakness watch and pray, find in me, thine all in all."

Yeahh, so it's later (about 12:00 later) and i was just going to update before going back to Molecular Orbital Theory :( I know that practically everyone has to take chem 301, but I feel like i'm at a serious disadvantage. Like, the professor or the TA will ask something and 3/4 of the class will murmur the answer, and i'll have no idea what the question is even asking. Oh well though. So I've been thinking about the turkey wrap vs. the sandwich, and I have to say that the turkey wrap is way better. A turkey wrap is like a portable delicious salad (with turkey of course) and a sandwich is just like a lame sort of meat and cheese contraption that drips all over everything (not very portable). The bread gets all soggy from condiments and then your tomato falls out. I say turkey wrap > sandwich. Obviously I really don't have anything to talk about and I am seriously procrastinating so I guess I will go. Be back tomorrow!

<--taken at my dads house!


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